Tovah Wulf's Backstory


Art by HybridKilljoy

Tovah is a Demon Hybrid, her current physical appearance being that of a young adult, who has been living since the mid-Stone Age of homosapiens (mid-Paleolithic). As a young Neanderthal, she would aid her mother while her father would hunt, the only child they had after being driven out of the tribe. Ever since, they've had to fend for themselves. However, one day, it seems that the tribal elder had gone insane and sent the tribe to kill her parents for ritualistic purposes. The first of many rituals that humankind would fall into performing.Rather than killing her parents, they attempt to use Tovah as a sacrificial pawn, which causes an entity to enter her body and kill everyone there. That entity was the 'King' or 'Lord' of Hell Hounds, Athurak. After snapping back to find her parents slaughtered by her own hand, she runs, only to be stopped by Satan. The Lord of Hell. Seeing that she's possessed by one of his own, he drags her to the deepest pits of hell, causing her mortal conscience and soul to split, the demon taking over her body. Transforming it, but also rendering the demon to forget everything, taking the name of Wolf, or also spelt as Wülf.Tovah stayed in hell for thousands of years until the peak of the Egyptian empire, where she's finally allowed to see the world again. She had also become Satan's favorite due to her skills as a combatant, specifically, his right hand while the demon Asmodeus was his left. Feral and hungry for sustenance, she took many lives. The lives of children all the way up to the elderly were taken in the most horrific and merciless ways. She was hinted to be the infamous 'beast' that the Bible preached about in later centuries after the death of Jesus Christ, the 'Heavenly Father's' earthly son and prophet.After taking the energy of human souls and their flesh, mankind retaliated by capturing the demon and hiding her away in a tomb over hundreds of feet down beneath the Earth, the tomb filled with a potent neurological gas. She was unable to escape the labyrinth of crypts until over two-thousand years later, when Rome was at its' peak. Now weak from such a long slumber, Tovah sought to feed upon some humans, but came to find that she was becoming interested in them, seeing the technology they produced. The architecture was astounding. Bathhouses, water systems, pure and heated water. She didn't know how to feel or rationalize what she felt. She spent time observing rather than committing a massacre, up until soldiers found her and attempted to capture her, the orders having been given by the current emperor.Tovah found that the Roman Emperor; Nero, was none other than Astaroth. One of the main demons who tortured her memoryless body back in Hell. He taunted her for getting captured by humans, how 'the wolf was skinned by monkeys', using her well known demon name 'Wolf' against her. This infuriated her, however, she left him to his sadistic games. Knowing that they would soon come to an end for the time.After leaving Rome, Tovah found herself observing humans more, studying them and beginning to wonder if she could feel whatever they were feeling. Years turned into decades, and Tovah started traveling across the lands all the way to Europa (Ancient Europe), which she settled in during the early AD era. After the death of Christ, she noticed that there was a chaos brewing among humans. She watched how they killed each other, and she couldn't help but to recall a fragment that let her know how her past was similar in some way.The more time she spent around them, killing and messing with them to test them, the more she desired to remember more of her fragmented past. She also started to find more creatures that seemed more connected with the earth than herself, up until the late 16th century after she ended up getting herself into a ship that set sail to the new world. The Americas.The next few days to pass were complete chaos, though the chaos wouldn't end, and it would spread like a wild flame through out the land. Tovah, during the first few weeks of the colonization and brainwashing of the European churches' protestants, snuck around what would soon be called 'Virginia'. She immediately found, at night, a Creole slave that they captured from the French revolutionists. Entering the cabin that the poor young woman was in, Tovah immediately recognized the energy. It was her broken soul and conscience. After persuading, practically /begging/ for the body to let her take it over, she succeeded before a man walked in. Tovah, the two souls now merged, took the man's life before he could put his hands on her. She was in pain, the merging of their souls having been something she didn't expect to react the way it did with her new body.Long, slick and thick black tentacles flailed about from her back as she could feel what was now the demon inside her begging for more food. She was starving... So, she made a meal of the few people that tried to approach or attack her once she made it outside, as well as a wolf that had unfortunately made its' way into the area, satiating the burning hunger within. Though also giving her the appearance she is known for today. She found the humans of this era to be the most annoying that she had ever seen... Until the coming modern era of the 21st century.Though, with the new body in her possession, Tovah able to finally do things that she couldn't in the corrupted form she had roamed in previously. She was able to walk around humans without them running from her until she let her eyes change or her tentacles out.Through out the beginning months of her gaining a host and the new transformation, Tovah had severe difficulty learning how to both function in such a smaller body and learning the human language. She could could hear speech perfectly, from her now canine ears, with her pointed ones being deaf. However, learning to speak was much like a puzzle to her. She'd soon come across a human that, despite Tovah's intent being to feed, took her in with a soothing aura and taught her. They weren't a person of money and power or one without a way to feed themselves, and the hybrid didn't mind. As the days turned to weeks, the weeks to months, she learned what it meant to be human. At least... Human with a kind soul. It wasn't long until the townspeople became curious about what their neighbor was doing. The home Tovah was in with what was then her mate, was burned. She was told to leave and not to look back as the smoke began to fill the interior, and so she obeyed. Leaving through the window, she didn't look back. Not until she heard the screaming of her partner. That was the first time she felt the human emotion of sorrow and hate after experiencing happiness and love for a while beforehand. She never wanted to be around humans again after that, especially after she had seen their behavior for thousands of years prior.For a few decades after the 1650s, Tovah was a lesser-known pirate called the Sea-Hound (which led to her being efficient in her thievery later in her story) before traveling to the Americas at the prime of slavery and the slaughter of Natives. Upon learning this, her disgust for most humans grew even more.
During the late 17th century all the way to the early 19th century, Tovah made sure to stay as far as she could from humans after some deadly or harmful encounters, watching from afar much like a predator stalking her prey. However, she also found that other demons that inhabited the country were watching her as well. Seemingly sent from Hell or heard about her from Hell's residents. However, despite the issues, she learned how to blend in with humankind. She learned their language (though had an extremely hard time with how many languages there were, so she only knew Old English, Slavic, and Romanian), learned how to dress like them, groom like them... Except, she didn't understand the way they expressed emotion. Hatred and Love were two sides of the same coin for humans, the same with Happiness and Sadness, which they flipped to either quite often. She learned, through her own painful experience, their deception. Their lies. How they'll do anything to ruin another life. How they desire to hate what they don't understand. Yet, humanity had opposing sides. Ones who strived to understand the unknown, where the curiosity killed the cat. They desired to love what they didn't understand, to help another life, to tell the truth. It all confused her, and the new emotion-filled body she controlled. She felt it all, conflicting over her thousands of years worth of experiences. Of pain. Up until the 19th century, she had many experiences dwelling among humans. She even found love before it was taken from her shortly after by a human she considered as her 'friend'.
In the early year of 1940, Tovah was in Paris, France, acting as a 'mulatto' individual. She hadn't been treated as bad compared to her time in Britain during the 18th century, however, there was obvious discomfort from those who watched her. The police would constantly ogle her, and if she was doing her usual people watching or trying to buy something, she would be approached. That's when she noticed a big change in the governmental systems. The police were becoming more physical with citizens when it had only been on occasion. Then, within the next day, flags bearing the infamous swastika had been hung. New officers had been put out onto the streets; German officers called 'Luftwaffe'. Being a light-skinned, young looking female with no identification (after being forced into the Nazi Commandant's office), they decided to bring in a General that decided to send her to the Drancy Internment Camp. Curiosity killed the cat, however, Tovah didn't bend to their examinations of her and pressing. She was also raped by a Nazi soldier named Mikael. Though, her fighting back caused the hybrid to be thoroughly experimented on and sent to Auschwitz, and so she was for days on end. From the torture and pain, which was the most she had ever dealt with before.They had equipment that made her unable to fight back due to the scientists that knew about demons and other creatures that frequented Earth. Their experiments caused Tovah to become even more traumatized than before, unlocking a side to herself that would obey, which was a curse on her demon species' bloodline. They also caused her tail to become sensitive to touch, stunning her temporarily as pain flickered through her body. Her recovery speed also sped up after the experiments. Five years passed, a full year of experimenting and four of keeping her caged like a beast with occasional experiments. Humans would've snapped, however, she was anything but. If anything, the experiments made her hate humans with an absolute passion. Her eyes were set on the scientists. Once Paris was being freed from German occupation, Tovah broke free and tore the scientists apart, leaving a message written in blood both in English, French, and German before soldiers arrived. 'You Will All Die'. After escaping Auschwitz, Tovah hid herself away in an aircraft to the United States of America. She instantly regretted it, they immediately tried to put her in custody to figure out what she was, causing her to immediately flee the area.Staying away from humans for the next few years until 1951, Tovah found out about the ongoing Korean War when going through the local town of Troy, near Albany and the base she escaped: Fort Drum, in Jefferson, New York. With nothing to lose, she decided to hide away on one of the aircrafts for hauling weaponry, wanting to find out why another war had started. Learning upon arrival that it was due to differing minds and opinions on the events in their country, she took to the jungles of North Korea. During the war while avoiding the toxic weaponry being used, she found a shaman who was hiding from the death and destruction like herself. The energy he gave off wasn't one to make her fear him or kill him, however, she remained cautious and remained close-by. Through out the time of the war, he taught her to utilize her powers and the energy around her, which she learned to practice during the war, and she was able to wield the powers of the wind and earth.Once she got back to America after the war, she met a girl by the name of Maria. Seeing the girl was a hybrid as well from her scent and aura, they became friends. At least, Tovah thought. However, after fighting a mocking Mephistopheles, who followed Tovah from Poland to America and made a joke of her past traumas... Maria betrayed Tovah and lured the hybrid back to Hell for the purpose of satisfying Mephisto's dying wishes. For the next few years, she's treated like a tool for the demons she once commanded to use, a curse being put upon her by the more powerful demon lords, including Satan's left hand: Asmodeus. She couldn't do anything but obey, her eyes becoming a bright lavender in the color of her irises, replacing the usual fiery brown when controlled. However, one of the tortured souls that dwelled in the Land of The Dead, ruled by the god Hades, rescued her from a horrid fate of being a slave, snapping her out of the state and helping her out from being bound to Hell.After escaping the clutches of Hell, she ended up in a maze of a forest on the upper west coast of America, the forest being a far expanse even past the border of Canada, finding new creatures called the 'fae'. After coming to a realization that her energy actually mixes well with the forest, the guardian (a nameless water dragon) makes her the second guardian to help protect it from the damage of mankind. After the forest becomes her new home, she's alerted to a demon lord that's on the search for her. She finds, in the city miles away, that it's Asteroth again, and the two fight to the death. Tovah sustains a heavy injury to her body, being cut in half, however, she manages to mend her wound enough to deal a fatal blow to the demon.After recovering, Tovah goes back to her forest, officially labeled as a traitor by demons, and sought treasure by other creatures.Tovah, once fully recovered and after getting more abilities up her sleeve, becomes a demon hybrid who simply observes the modern human with hatred and contempt. Being careful around other creatures as well. She becomes one of the biggest thieves to exist in the modern times without being caught, as well as hired as a personal hitman, accepting anonymous Underground requests for money. In her free time, out of the peering eyes of the beings that watched her, she also rescues creatures (supernatural or earthly) that are being abused or sought to be killed, bringing them to the forest so they can live there or recover until they were able to help themselves once more.

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